blue sky with lunar cycle symbols and Moon manifestation text

How to Manifest with the Moon Phases: A Beginners Guide

The Moon has long been associated with attraction, manifestation, and the allure of feminine power.

By aligning your intentions with the cycles of the Moon, you can tap into this powerful energy and bring your dreams to life.

Each phase of the Moon offers a unique opportunity for manifestation.

If you’re new to manifesting with the Moon, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. But don’t worry – with a little guidance and practice, you can easily harness the power of the Moon to manifest your wildest dreams.

Whether you’re looking to attract more abundance, love, or success into your life, a little sprinkling of Moon magic can be a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals.

Two witchy women in a cornfield holding hand together beneath a huge full harvest moon
Cosmic purple pin with Moon manifestation with every lunar phase in black type

What are Moon phases?

Moon phases, also called lunar phases, refer to the different appearances of the Moon as she orbits around the Earth.

The Moon takes about 29.5 days to complete one orbit, and during this time, it goes through eight distinct phases, plus another, invisible phase (that many people forget about).

These phases are:

Each phase lasts for approximately 3.5 days and represents a different stage in the Moon’s cycle.

New Moon manifesting

The new Moon phase is an excellent time to begin the wheel of manifestation turning.

During new Moons, la Luna turns from being invisible in the sky, to just emerging as a feint crescent.

This lunar phase represents a time of new beginnings and fresh starts, making it the ideal time to set your intentions and commit to your goals.

Be specific about what you want to manifest and also why you want it.

Write your intentions down on a piece of paper, and visualize your desires as if they have already come true, feeling the emotions associated with achieving them.

Here are some examples of how to set an intention:

Be specific: Instead of saying “I want to be happy,” try “I intend to find joy and happiness in my daily life.”

Focus on the outcome: Instead of saying “I want to lose weight,” try “I intend to have a healthy and fit body that feels good and looks good.”

Use positive language: Instead of saying “I don’t want to be stressed,” try “I intend to feel calm and peaceful throughout my day.”

Align with your values: Instead of saying “I want to make more money,” try “I intend to create abundance in my life by doing work that aligns with my values and purpose.”

Gave gratitude: Instead of focusing on what you lack, try expressing gratitude for what you already have and intend to amplify. For example, “I intend to cultivate deeper relationships with my loved ones and be grateful for the love and support they already provide me.”

Dark cosmic sky with pink text: New Moon magick
List of tips for setting new moon intentions to manifest your desires

Waxing crescent Moon manifesting

The waxing crescent phase comes after the New Moon and before the first quarter phase when the Moon begins to rise a little later than the Sun each day.

During this emergent phase, la Luna appears as a thin crescent shape.

It’s not too late to set an intention at this point in the lunar cycle! So if you missed your chance at the new Moon phase, set one here.

Yet there’s a new momentum to this phase. The waxing crescent Moon brings an invitation to start acting on your intention.

It is time to make plans, start to act on them, and cultivate new ways of being.

At its simplest: Use your intention as a springboard to create a few changes in your life.

Read these posts for rituals to perform during this motivational phase:

 And if you really want to supercharge your efforts, you might want to consider calling in one of the maiden Moon goddesses to oversee and support your work. Start here:


List of things to do during the waxing moon manifesting hacks lunar phase

First quarter Moon manifesting

The first quarter moon is the third primary Moon phase, and it’s a powerful time of growth and manifestation. Yet it’s not all plain sailing…

As an astrological square (when two celestial bodies form a 90º angle) the first quarter Moon represents a time of tension and adjustment. You may face a challenge, find a new way of approaching a situation, or need to take a risk to stay on track.

When it comes to manifestation, the big invitation of the first quarter moon is to expand.

To try something new, take a leap of faith, and act with positivity and productivity in your own life. s phase:

The light is overcoming the dark (more of the Moon’s face is illuminating with each day) so you are being encouraged to let your own light shine a little brighter, too…

How to Manifest with the Moon Phases on cream grimoire paper background
Moon Manifesting Guide PDF book cover

Waxing gibbous Moon manifesting

Rising just after the first quarter, the waxing gibbous phase of the Moon brings a dynamic, creative, and exceptionally strong influence to any Moon manifesting practice.

At this powerful time, the energy of the waxing gibbous Moon can be harnessed to manifest wild and unbelievable things, so use it wisely!

With Moon magic almost at its peak, you’ll likely feel things in your life starting to align in a BIG way. So it’s really important not to hold back, and to continue to pour your efforts into your goals.

Like the pregnant woman on the cusp of giving birth, PUSH your way to the end!

But what if alignment isn’t happening for you?

In that case, the waxing gibbous phase offers time for course correcting. Again, don’t give up, see if you can tweak your plans in time to manifest some, if not all, of your goal. Trust what is unfolding.

Full Moon manifesting

The Full Moon is a time of true abundance and rapid manifestation.

Of all the Moon’s phases, this is the time when the Moon’s energy is at its strongest, making it a great time to focus on gratitude.

Remember, you’ll attract more of what you are, so being grateful will attract more to be grateful for, get it!?).

Take some time to reflect on what you’re grateful for in your life, and then visualize yourself receiving even more abundance and blessings.

Full Moons are also times of illumination, so this is a great time to allow yourself to be truly seen (by yourself and others).

If there were any blocks, limitations, or unconscious habits preventing your intention from being realized, give them the grace to rise up out of the shadows and be seen under the light of the Full Moon. (During the waning Moon phases, you’ll get the opportunity to work with them).

You can also perform a full moon manifesting ritual to help you connect with the Moon’s energy in a more profound way.

Waning gibbous Moon manifesting

As the light of the full Moon begins to retreat, we reach the waning gibbous phase.

Here, you’ll likely find your own attention begins to turn inward, as you are invited to reflect on your journey over the past few weeks.

  • What manifested for you?
  • What didn’t manifest for you?

If things haven’t turned out how you intended, the waning gibbous Moon phase brings your first opportunity to dive deep into the possible causes.

  • What habits, beliefs, or attitudes may have blocked your desired outcome?
  • What challenges arose in the real world, making it hard for you to progress? How did you face them?

Use the energy of the waning gibbous phase to shift your focus towards gentle self-inquiry, but remember this is not the time for self-criticism or shame.

So be kind and compassionate with yourself as you follow the threads of self-discovery.

The waning gibbous phase is a really potent time that’s often overlooked in the lunar cycle as a whole. This article has more of an explanation, and suggested activities:


Writing prompts for waning gibbous moon reflection around manifestation
waning gibbous moon journalling prompts for better manifesting techniques

Last quarter Moon manifesting

Remember how quarter-moon phases bring astrological tension? Well here at the last, or third quarter Moon, the same pattern is occurring. Yet as the halfway point in the waning phases, instead of inviting external action, you’re being called to turn inward.

To manifest effectively, this phase of the Moon requires supreme honesty.

  • What do you need to release?
  • What unhealthy habits, limiting beliefs, and toxic behaviours are holding you back?
  • What are you blaming others for, that is actually down to you?

Not sure? Try journaling.

As the Moon starts to wane deeply into the last quarter of her cycle, and darkness overtakes the light, allow your own darkness to rise up to be seen, held, and integrated.

If you want to perform rituals, as a way to be held through these waning phases and invite a little spiritual spark into your reflection and release, read these posts:


Waning crescent Moon manifesting

The waning crescent Moon is generally regarded as the end of the lunar cycle. This phase lasts for about three days, is associated with release, retreat, inner reflection, intuition, spiritual growth, and the shadow.

The waning crescent Moon marks the moment for the necessary shadow work, that will enable you to manifest what you really desire, starting with the next lunar cycle.

The shadow contains all the aspects of ourselves that we’ve rejected and banished into the unconscious. Yet these unloved, unwanted parts often form the basis of our thought patterns and impulses. And they can be the root of our unconscious limitations, negative energy, and self-sabotage.

To have an effective, clean, and clear manifestation practice, it’s absolutely imperative to do your shadow work.

You must connect with your inner self, and take a good look at what’s in there holding you back.

The waning crescent Moon is the prime time to do just that.

Dark Moon manifesting

I had to include this phase of the Moon cycle, yet the truth is I don’t recommend intentionally trying to manifest OR release at this phase.

The dark Moon represents the void, the liminal, and the betwixt and between when all and nothing is possible. It is the mysterious time in the entire Moon cycle, best suited for dropping deep into the arms of the great dark Mother.

At this final phase, let go of your need to try, to push, to know.

Rest back.


Moon manifestation using the zodiac signs

Each of the 13 Moon cycles in a year begins in a different zodiac sign. The full Moon of each cycle usually falls in the opposite sign that it started in. So the cycle that began in Taurus will reach its peak (full Moon) in Scorpio, for example.

By incorporating the lunar cycles current zodiac sign and ruling planet into your lunar rituals, you’ll be able to also harness the energy of these celestial bodies to align with your intentions and goals!

Here are some tips on how to manifest with the Moon based on the current zodiac sign:

Aries Moon manifesting

When the Moon is in Aries, focus on starting things. Set intentons around initiation, motivation, self and self image

Taurus Moon manifesting

When the Moon is in Taurus, focus on manifesting money, wealth, abundance, and pleasure. Also set intentions involving the body

Gemini Moon manifesting

When the Moon moves through the sign of Gemini, focus your manifestation on making connections. Also on communication, ideas, socialising, and making things happen at speed

Cancer Moon manifesting

A new or full Moon in Cancer pulls focus towards the emotiona reslms. You may feel more sensitive, so be gentle with yourself. Set intentions around mothering, your family, and the home.

Leo Moon manifesting

A Leo Moon tends to amplify issues and desires around self esteem, self expression, confidence, creativity.

Virgo Moon manifesting

When the Moon transits detail oriented Virgo, your daily habits, and health will take the limelight. Skills of organization, efficiency and problem solving also tend to get a boost.

Scorpio Moon manifesting

A Scorpio Moon will circle around sex, money, power, shadow, and taboos. Usually this Moon holds a lot of weight, and can activate high emotions, so take care.

Sagittarius Moon manifesting

Sagittarius new and Full Moons bring the focus to travel and adventure, making this a gret time to plan a getaway! Also the stories we tell ourselves, as well as issues of justice law and order.

Capricorn Moon manifesting

A Capricorn Moon transit is a great time to focus your intentions on structure, strategy, your career path, and legacy you want to leave. Also ancestral work can be beneficial.

Aquarius Moon manifesting

As an air sign, Aquarius Moons are good for new ideas and concepts, especially those focusing on community and the greater good. Also technology and visions for the future.

Pisces Moon manifesting

As the last sign in the zodiac, Pisces can feel all encompasing, and often offers a wonderful opportunity to look back on the entire lunar year. Also use this lunar month to set spiritual goals around the unconscious, oneness, intuition, and your connection to the divine.

Moon magic cheat sheet for manifesting with different lunar zodiac signs
moon magic quick guide to manifest using lunar astrology moon zodiac signs

Is it okay to manifest during a lunar eclipse?

Is it okay to manifest under a lunar eclipse? The short answer is NO. Don’t perform any manifestation rituals when you’re experiencing an eclipse!

The energy of eclipses tends to be too erratic to direct cleanly and effectively, making your manifestation ritual risky.

This means that your intentions can be skewed, and your willpower scattered. PLUS, there are so many unknowns being revealed under eclipse energy that it’s usually much wiser to let the dust settle before anchoring yourself onto one single desired outcome.

Read more: Exactly Why You Shouldn’t Try to Manifest During a Lunar Eclipse

Is it okay to manifest during a blue Moon?

Yes, you can manifest under a blue Moon because its energy is really just the same as any other Full Moon.

A blue Moon is the second Full Moon in a single calendar month. So the only thing that makes it different is how it sits within the Gregorian calendar.

As you continue to practice Moon manifestation, don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. You may find that certain rituals resonate more with you than others, or that your practice evolves over time.

The key is to stay open, stay curious, and stay connected to the magic of the Moon… she’ll guide you if ever you get lost.

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