Full Moon in Scorpio Moon transit behind a pink cloud

What’s the Impact of the Scorpio Moon Transit Today?

A Scorpio Moon is a portal into the mystical lands of shadow and transformation.

Not to be taken lightly, this Moon sign represents the dark side of life. But that doesn’t mean negativity. This water sign has an uncanny way of bringing to the surface, things that have previously been hidden from sight.

Every few days, the Moon transits through a new sign of the Zodiac. This means that roughly every 25-30 days, a Scorpio Moon rises in the sky above our heads, ready to ruffle some feathers.

What’s the significance of the transiting Moon?

As our closest celestial body, is it any surprise that the Moon affects life on Earth?

While the transiting Sun sign represents the energy, motivation, and force that we’re being moved with during any given solar month, the Moon has a more immediate yet subconscious effect on our lives.

The Moon is the ancient mistress of the unconscious, affecting the subtler realms of human existence.

We know the ebb and flow of the lunar phases cause (literal) waves, tugging on the oceans’ tides… And the Moon also tugs on the tides of emotional intensity we feel within.

Moon women under transiting Moon

A Scorpio Moon tugs on the tides of emotion even more than most Moon signs…

In astrology, the Moon influences our emotional needs and affects the way we react to the world.
She reveals who we are without barriers or programming. In many ways, the Moon (and especially a Scorpio Moon) is a key to our inner landscapes. She symbolizes the deeper self, the self that exists beyond opposition to the ego.

Ancient cultures revered many Moon Goddesses: from Artemis to Selene, Cerridwen to Khons, Chang Zi to Soma, and so many in between… She is as old as we are. Older perhaps, and steeped in mystery and magic.

Yet the influence of the Moon isn’t only energetic and ethereal

She is a Goddess of embodiment, wielding influence over the subtle landscapes of our physical bodies. Her transits through the sky can make your own waters rise and fall, feel soothed or inflamed. The movements of the Moon can heal you or hurt you… she’s more powerful than you think.

This isn’t an old wives’ tale.

Medicine of the Moon holds true today.

Some people are highly attuned to the la Luna’s celestial shifts, while some rarely feel them at all (and this can vary from month to month, season to season, year to year).

But as a collective, the current Moon sign has a strong, but subtle influence on the energetic climate of our days. A collective horoscope of sorts.

So, if you feel her calling, it’s wise to keep track of her astrology. Just a little.

Moon in Scorpio in your birth chart?

… Then check out this post instead – Natal Scorpio Moon Sign? Qualities, Traits + Characteristics of your Astrology!

What does the Scorpio Moon feel like?

The Moon in Scorpio feels like a really intense lunar transit!

Opposing earth sign Taurus, a transiting Scorpio Moon is in her ‘detriment’.

This means la Luna’s own intrinsic qualities of flow, flux, change and surrender can struggle to express freely.

The Moon is a flowing, receptive entity, and the water sign of Scorpio is a deep and intense pool. Not quite of infinity, but of darkness. The Moon in Scorpio holds the energy of the Void, which has no beginning and has no end. (if you have this sign somewhere prominent in your birth chart, you’ll know just what I mean).

So the energy of the Moon in Scorpio wants to flows, but can’t. Which can make this lunar transit a hard place for us to navigate.

Under a Scorpio Moon, it can feel like there are no navigational pointers, no boundaries to keep us safe…

So instead, we tend to insert them for ourselves, colouring the world black and white, dark and light, and bottling up emotions instead of letting them go.

Under a Scorpio Moon, without boundaries or limitations, there’s no middle ground when it comes to emotion. So what could be “middle” becomes is too wide, and extremes are formed.

People born under a Scorpio Moon are often intense and extreme – they love and they hate. They devour and they push away… they offer the rest of us the most exciting edges of human nature.

black and white image of scorpio Moon women with fern over her face

Life under a Scorpio Moon can feel full of:

  • Intensity
  • Obsession
  • Possession
  • Heaviness
  • Devotion
  • Love
  • Power
  • Sex
  • Money
  • Secrets
  • Psychic vision

…ALL the big things: The full spectrum of human experience gets played out under a Moon in Scorpio.

How will the Scorpio Moon affect me?

Of all the Moon signs, a Scorpio Moon will be felt strongly and deeply.

Your intuition will be heightened and your ‘sixth sense’ sharp. (As a Sun sign, Scorpio coincides with Samhain, when the veils between the worlds are at their thinnest. This should tell you enough about the truth of this sign’s power…)

So if today’s lunar transit is a Scorpio Moon, it could affect you in the following ways:

Intense Emotions: A Scorpio Moon’s heightened feelings

Just like the Moon, Mistress of the Seas, the zodiac sign of Scorpio is ruled by the element of water. Water corresponds to our emotions, which need to flow, flex, and be felt.

As a sun sign, Scorpio is known for its intensity. Yet when you get the Moon involved, the emotional depths of feeling drop to a whole new level.

Expect a Scorpio Moon to amplify your emotions and make you feel things more deeply. Both a blessing and a curse, this can result in powerful experiences of love, passion, and connection, but may also make you more susceptible to feelings of jealousy, anger, and resentment.

The issue here, is that Scorpio is a fixed sign, meaning the intense feelings and emotional storms stirred up under this Moon can more easily get stifled and stuck.

Stifled and stuck and repressed emotions are NOT a good thing – frustration, anger, and even physical aches and pains may result. So be careful. Go easy.

Deep connections: A Scorpio Moon craves authentic relationships

A Scorpio Moon needs intimacy and connection on an emotional level. When the Moon transits in this sign, it can intensify our desire for meaningful relationships.

During today’s Scorpio moon, you may find yourself seeking out people you can connect with on a deeper level. You may be more willing to open up and share your feelings and what’s going on in your inner world.

There will be a greater desire to skip the small talk and get to know others on a personal level. Scorpio Moons can also be a great time to strengthen existing friendships, romantic relationships, or connections between lovers.

However, it’s important to be aware that the intense emotions of a Scorpio moon may make you more susceptible to ‘negative emotions’ such as jealousy and possessiveness.

Power Struggles: A Scorpio Moon’s competitive side

As a sign that values power and control, a Scorpio Moon can bring out our desire to compete and succeed.

During a Scorpio Moon, you’ll likely find yourself focused on achieving your goals and asserting a little bit of authority. Being a fixed sign, Scorpio energy helps us harness our devotion to the task at hand. So if you have a big project that needs your undivided attention, today is the day!

You may also find under a Scorpio Moon, that you’re more willing to take risks and pursue opportunities to gain an advantage over others. People born under the sign of the Scorpion are often quietly strategic, also employing their strong intuition to get what they want.

Also read: What is the Diva Archetype? Plus 10 Ways to Dominate

So this can be a great time to set ambitious goals and work hard to achieve them.

But it’s important to be mindful of your motivations and to avoid getting caught up in unhealthy power struggles – you may have the ability to

Transformation: Encouraging growth and change in your life

Scorpio Moons can be highly transformational

As the sign of the shaman and the witch (and ruled by Pluto, no less) Scorpio is a sign that brings ego death like no other! Expect to be challenged. Expect to fall. And expect to rise.

Symbolized by three animal totems – the pheonix, the eagle, and the scorpion – this zodiac sign knows about shifting through space and time to become something new.

The transformation that this Moon promises needs courage and bravery – Scorpio Moons will often ask us to face harsh truths about ourselves on the way to self-improvement.

During a Scorpio Moon, you will likely be more willing than usual to let go of old patterns and embrace new opportunities in life. Open to shedding old skins, it can feel easier to take risks that you know will help you grow and evolve, even if they seem daunting.

So a Scorpio Moon can be a great time to set BIG new goals and work towards personal and professional development.

However, the intense energy of the Scorpio moon can also bring about discomfort and uncertainty. You may find yourself grappling with difficult emotions, a truth that hurts, or facing challenges that push you out of your comfort zone pretty quickly.

For this reason, it’s important to stay mindful of your own well-being during this time and to take care of yourself as you navigate these changes.

Woman self hugging

How does the Scorpio Moon affect the body?

If you’re physically affected by la Luna’s transit through the sign of Scorpio, then you’ll likely feel it in your sexual organs. YES, that means you can expect your libido to get a boost!

Enjoy it while it lasts, friends!

As well as this, one of the most common physical effects of a Scorpio Moon is heightened sensitivity. You may find your senses are more acute and that you’re more attuned to the world around you.

Increased physical energy and vitality can also be a bonus of a Scorpio Moon. As a sign that values power and strength, this Moon sign can bring about a surge of energy and motivation.

But the strong emotions felt under this lunar transit may also be draining on the body. In this case, Scorpio Moons may lead to feelings of tension and stress, especially if you hold onto tension in your muscles or are prone to headaches.

portrait of woman with shadow

The Scorpio Moon shadow

Every Moon has her shadow.

Shadows are rejected, hidden, suppressed, distorted, misunderstood, (or all of those!) aspects of self. These rise to the surface, often unconsciously in response to triggers or BIG and difficult emotions.

Under a Scorpio Moon, the shadow can look like:

  • Obsessive thoughts and actions
  • Jealousy
  • Manipulation
  • Being controlling
  • Holding resentments
  • Revenge
  • Addiction

Shadow work and the Scorpio Moon are great partners

Of all the zodiac signs, Scorpio was made for shadow work.

If you don’t do the work of stripping back the layers of shadow intentionally, expect your shadow self to rear up uninvited.

Under this lunar energy, triggers often pop up out of nowhere, and these will activate intense emotions and BIG interactions with friends OR foes.

Try to see the people in your life as mirrors. See them as windows into your own inner world, glimpses into your many shadow sides. See them for what they are under this Moon: Teachers. 

Also read: A Beginners Guide to Shadow Work: Benefits, Practices and Dangers

Take a leap of faith…

With transformation comes opportunity, the potent astrology of a Scorpio Moon will often invite us to make new commitments.

The fixed modality of this Moon sign may make it hard to take the leap… but when you do, you’ll stay for good.

Whilst some say Scorpio is obsessive, I prefer to frame this as devotional. The Scorpio Moon sign holds a firm container for you to dedicate yourself to something, something important.

In its best expression, a Scorpio Moon will encourage self-reliance, confidence, and trust to emerge.

So whether you’re standing at the edge of a new relationship, learning a foreign language, or writing an essay for school, the Scorpio Moon sign aids us in giving heart and soul.

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