Learn the art of practical shadow work for personal transformation


Guided by the Moon and the honeybee..


Go from being held captive by your unconscious beliefs

…to understanding, befriending, and re-integrating your shadow, so you can *actually* live out your sweet potential!

…All in just 13 days!

Hey, friend!

(or at least I hope we will be soon…)

Do you ever feel like you’re at a crossroads?

You know you’re capable and have choices in life… but don’t know which ones to make (OR whether you can really trust yourself to stick with them once they’re made?)

Maybe you sense you’re on a quest for meaning and purpose, but feel like there’s something holding you back?

Or maybe you know exactly where you want to be in life, but whenever you’re close something always destabilizes your vision, or gets in your way?!

↠ Deep-seated limiting beliefs?

Self-sabotaging behaviours?

Insecurities around your abilities or worthiness?

Or something else you just can’t put your finger on, that seems to stand like an invisible veil between you and a more purpose-filled life?

Well, listen up. Because that ‘something’ could be your shadow.

…And shadows just don’t disappear when you look the other way!

So, isn’t it time you befriended your shadow? Because unless you learn who this inner saboteur is and begin working with your unconscious and not against it, in the words of the Lorax “nothing is going to get better. It’s not”. 

Want to make things better?

Join Kat Anne Lee, creator of the Moon School, for the 13-day Honeyed Shadow journey.

In this sweet and oh-so practical step-by-step program, Kat will teach you the EXACT formula she uses – and has used to help dozens of soul-seekers – discover and integrate their own honeyed shadows. You too can transform YOUR most hidden and difficult aspects into a wellspring of confidence, motivation, and self-trust! 

Yes you can!

Start your journey today for only £99!

Let me tell you something not many folks know…

It doesn’t matter how much conscious effort you put into creating something in your life when 95% of all human action is fueled by the unconscious. Yes, you read that right – 95% of everything that happens in your reality is a direct result of the unconscious mind.

Yours, mine, and especially (unfortunately 😭 ) the people who tend to wield “power” in our world.

But do you have any idea what YOUR unconscious mind contains?

Most people don’t!

And many more fear to look, believing their personal shadowlands are full of negativity, fear, shame, and sadness.

So when things don’t turn out the way they wanted, they have NO way of actually figuring out why

Because the answers (and the solutions!) to your problems are buried deep, deep in the shadow, far away from the bright lights of awareness. And going there is off-limits.

Or is it?

Can you imagine…


Feeling free of self-doubt?

Having the motivation to act (instead of letting your willpower seep away with uncertainty)?

Knowing your actions are inspired and not just “shoulds”?

Crafting a clear personal vision (and knowing how this fits into the bigger picture too)

*Actually* keeping the promises you set (to yourself and others)?

Being your own ally and cheerleader (instead of a saboteur)

Choosing your own core beliefs (rather than being kidnapped by other people’s) and using them to propel you forward?

Having a set of quick and easy tools to dissolve limiting thoughts when they rise?

Increasing your capacity for what you want, so that there’s actually space in your life for it?


I can teach you the art of practical shadow work, in way that’s simple, sweet, and applies directly to your life

…So you can say goodbye to unconscious self-sabotage for good, and really start to thrive!

Not in spite of your shadow.

But because of your shadow

Did you know that most shadow work courses go straight for the jugular of what feels dark and difficult to handle? 

But starting your shadow work journey from your most uncomfortable feelings can do more way harm than good. And not get you any concrete results in life (which is what you’re actually here for isn’t it?)

This is different.

In the Honeyed Shadow, we’ll begin with how you WANT to feel and what you WANT to see unfold in your life. Working back from there, I’ll guide you through the deep dive to discover how your distorted shadow is stopping that from being your lived truth right nowand how to change that!

Because nobody should have to wait until their unconscious shadow selves catch them by surprise.

You don’t have to be triggered to get to know the shape, tone and complexity of your shadow (and then have to deal with the fallout!)

Shadow work doesn’t have to be re-active. 

It can be a constructive, curious, labour of absolute self-love and expansion! Let me show you the way…

The honeyed shadow will take you on a new kind of journey into your own unconscious. A journey to meet your golden shadow. That means the bright and golden pieces of YOU who feel strong, capable and aligned with purpose (where has that person been for so long?! We can uncover the reasons for that too…)

Yes, you can expect to travel through dark and unfamiliar feelings. Into difficult memories and uncomfortable personal truths (It’s true that shadow work isn’t all sunshine and delight). But with the Honeyed Shadow method, it’ll be worth it.

The Honeyed Shadow journey is short, sweet and seriously robust exploration into your inner world, that ends in more self-awareness, more presence (yes please!!) and more purpose. And it all comes from you.

…Because YOU are the one with the answers!

Your body, mind and spirit contain all the teachings you need to thrive in this life… and deep down, you know exactly where the barriers sit too. (Because my friend, the only person keeping that golden shadow stuck for so long is you. This also means that – with absolutely ZERO shame and judgement – you are the only one to set your shadow free).

All you need is the map, and 13 days inside the Honeyed Shadow, to find YOUR way within…Because meeting your shadow is a journey that’s only yours to take.


By the end of this sweet and golden 13 day journey with me, you will have:

A clear understanding of what the shadow (and shadow work) actually is, plus clarity around the nature of your own shadow (and why s/he fragmented in the first place)

 A personal vision of your most sweet and honeyed life, detailing the reality you’re calling in through your shadow work (minus the doubts, insecurities, and sabotaging tendencies!)

 Called back your projections onto other people, and reclaimed the power you’ve been letting seep away

Traced the roots of insecurities and limiting beliefs keeping you trapped in loops of stasis

Moved shadow through your body to achieve gnosis and personal revelation

Witnessed long-buried ancestral agreements that have been thwarting your spiritual and material growth

Re-written (and ritually established) new beliefs and agreements in direct support your expansion

Initiated shamanic practices in your life, increasing your capacity for self-trust, motivation and *actually* receiving what you most want your life to be!

Discovered where your own sweet life fits into the bigger, honeyed world vision we are ALL creating together

Start your journey today for only £99!

A bit about me, Kat…

I’m the creator and founder of the Moon School, a space dedicated to catalysing personal transformation through the cycles of Moon and the re-awakening of feminine-centered and shamanic perspectives.

I’ve spent over a decade offering daily lunar readings and personal guidance to a global following of tens of thousands. 

I’m highly skilled in not only reading collective and personal energy patterns, but gently excavating their many layers to get to the roots of cause. 

My own precious life has taken many twists and turns, from the big city back to the sweet and honeyed hills of Herefordshire in the UK. During my own darkest times as a grieving mother, I’ve come face to face with the Dark Goddess. She has show me how shadow integration must become a daily practice in these shifting sands of time. It’s this that holds me close, and keeps me tethered. 

As an initiate into a European female lineage of shamanic healers, I work in partnership with the Spirit of the honeybee, as a living symbol of the Divine Feminine. This means I call on the consciousness of this ancient, honeyed being for healing, medicine and guidance.

I’m SO privileged to share this honeyed work of shadow integration with you, guided by the medicine of the honeybee. 

Here’s what other people are saying…

“I had the courage to release so much”

“Everything Kat said, in such an eloquent way, resonated with all I had been stuck with. Over the days and weeks to follow I had the courage to release so much”.

Donna Warhurst, UK

“I trust you”

“It’s an extremely intimate experience and I need to know I’m being held by someone who takes responsibility for her own wellbeing, which I’ve seen you do”.

Armelle Philpot, UK

“There is genuine, powerful medicine here”

“I wept when I read your words yesterday – an indication of the message reaching deep places. I also felt my heaviness lifting and being connected in my body, real medicine and true healing when dealing with trauma”.

Jude, Scotland

Want to find out for yourself what honeyed shadow work can feel like?

Here’s exactly what you’ll discover in the next 13 days…

DAY 1: What the shadow *actually* is (and exactly what honeybees have to do with all this!)

Without knowing what the shadow is and where it comes from (i.e. what causes your personality to fragment in the first place) your journey to self-awareness won’t even begin.

On day 1 we’ll cover the absolute basics.

DAY 2: What you really want! (I call this your Honeyed 🍯 Life)

Starting your shadow work journey from a place of desire (rather than a place of self-criticism or correcting) inspires curiosity and self-worth from the very beginning.

The Honeyed Life List is one of my *favourite* exercies to categorically lay out the blueprint for where you’re heading.

A map is always useful! This one is essential.

DAY 3: The golden art of projection (and why envy can be a really good thing!)

Here you’ll learn the art of positive projection.

I’ll show you how to harness your projections, so that  you can draw back the power you’ve been giving away…

DAY 4: The HUGE secret nobody knows about their insecurities

Where do insecurities come from?

Why do they form for some people, but not for others?

On day 4 you’ll unpack your personal insecurities, and learn why these are actually your greatest strength (hint: the greatest strength part is usually what got thrown into the shadowlands of your unconscious as a child.) It’s time to re-claim those parts for your *adult* self…


DAY 5: YOUR Honey Trap (AKA those pesky limiting beliefs...)

What are limting beliefs and where to they come from? 

Understanding yours is a pivotal part of your shadow work journey, so on Day 5 you’ll look them straight in the eye.

This gentle yet powerful writing exercise will uncover exactly what’s keeping your shadow stuck, and you paralysed.

DAY 6: The red thread: Soul agreements & ancestral ties you're *still* keeping

On Day 6 we go deep.

I’ll take you on a guided shamanic journey deep it the lands of the ancestors. Here we’ll discover where your old, outdated and restrictive soul agreements are kept (and why they were made in the first place). 

This essential step in the shamanic shadow work process will help get you to the very root of repeating patterns and sabotaging behaviours still playing out for you today.

DAY 7: What is Integration? & How to give your shadow what it really needs

At the journey’s halfway point, it’s time to consolidate what you’ve discovered about your shadow (and yourself) and create the one thing you didn’t get the first time around…

PLUS, we talk about where the shadow actually lives. And I give you a super-simple but OH so necessary additional practice for more direct revelation.

DAY 8: The sweet NEW beliefs you're 100% entitled to!

After diving DEEP, it’s time to turn a corner and begin to integrate.

I’ll lead you through a playful exercise to try on some new beliefs for size! Without creating a new weave of sweet and honeyed beliefs, your shadow will have nowhere to stay! With tips for making the “unbelivable” believable.

DAY 9: A honeyed ritual of integration

Nothing is complete without a little spellwork in my world… Even shadow integration.

Together, we’ll perform a unique honey ritual to further anchor in your new beliefs and make them manifest in your world.


DAY 10: The inspired action framework. Conspiring *WITH* your honeyed shadow to manifest real change

No genuine personal transformation can truly occur without taking action.

But what action?!

On day 10, I’ll hold your hand through what it means to take “inspired” action (as opposed to any old misdirected action) using the newfound strength and skill of your honeyed shadow.

BUT what if it’s not as easy as that?  You’ll get an extra lesson on what to to do when you meet your edge (it happens to us all) – and on how edge-walking can really be an initiation. By the end of Day 10, you’ll know how much to push and how much to ease off if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

DAY 11: How to expand your capacity!

Without a way to expand your capacity to receive in this very moment, you’ll risk letting your newfound honeyed shadow slip through your fingers…

On day 11 you”ll learn a potent, Earth-based shamanic technique to increase who you’re capable of being.

This is the exact practice I use daily to keep my own energy both tethered and able to expand.

DAY 12: What's your bigger why for this work (and whether you really need one)

What’s your reason for self-improvement?

I’ll share a personal story to help catalyze your bigger “why” and begin to turn your (newly integrating) honeyed shadow to use in and for the wider world.

Plus writing exercises to find the new, higher perspective that shadow work innevitably brings you to.

DAY 13: Why completion isn't what you think it is & parting honeybee 🐝 medicine (it's totally delicious!)

And fly….!

At the end of out 13 days together, we dive into the medicine of the honeybee one last time, to re-think the concept of completion.

As a parting gift, you’ll be introduced to the ecstatic states that come with the unity of light and dark and the wild euphoria of nature’s ‘completion’.

You in?!

Start your journey today for only £99!

Join now + get these FREE bonus trainings!

free Bonus 1

How to re-write an outdated soul agreement


The Honeyed Shadow takes you on a journey into the deep past, where you’ll witness a soul agreement that’s still active today. You’ll learn why you think, believe, and DO certain things (that have no other worldly explanation!)

This bonus guided shamanic journey will take you from understanding WHY these agreements are made, to actually re-writing them.

You’ll be able to instantly anchor a new agreement into your unconscious, creating a positive ripple effect that will move forward – and backward – through time.


free Bonus 2

Discover what actually happens when you combine shadow work with Moon medicine…


In this digital guide, you’ll learn how to leverage the lunar cycle to create a regular shadow practice of your own.

I’ll share with you the “whys” and the “hows” of combining shadow work with lunar wisdom, including 18 separate shadow work practices to try at different Moon phases (don’t worry, no need to do them all at once!)

This guide will elevate your shadow work into something truly magical!


Start your journey today 

Got questions? Read our FAQ

How does the journey work?

The journey takes place over 13 days.

Each day has a detailed lesson will land in your inbox via email (yes – that’s right, once oyu sign up, all info will be emailed directly to you – no online platform, no extra password to remember!) 

There are also a number of guided visualisations, shamanic journeys, and other practices to complete in audio format. Don’t worry, you’ll be led through exactly what to do.

Each lesson is easy to absorb, and follows on sweetly from the last.

You’ll also be invited to join the private Honeyed Shadow Facebook group, which is a valuable way for you to share your experiences with fellow shadow seekers, and help each other along your journey. Within the group, you’ll also have access to Kat, to ask any questions that arise about the course content. 

How much time will this take each day?

Each day’s lesson has a detailed written component that will take between 10 and 20 minutes to read. There will also be daily writing practices, exercises and/or guided visualisations & journeys that should take an additional 30 minutes to complete, but you can spend longer on these if you wish.

So expect to spend a maximum of 1 hour a day, over the next 13 days getting to know your honeyed shadow. It’s not that much time in the grand scheme! But if you feel overwhelmed or can’t quite squeeze it in, then no problem… you can absolutely take this journey at your own pace.

How long do I have access to the course material?

You have lifetime access to all the course material within the Honeyed Shadow!

Because lessons arrive in YOUR inbox each day, you can refer back to them as many times as you like.

In fact, I recommend that you take this 13-day journey more than once. It’s designed to be used multiple times, to find, track and integrate different facets of your personal shadow.

There is also an extensive workbook to accompany your journey, full of specifically designed journal prompts and writing exercises. This is fully downloadable and you can re-print and re-use the pages as many times as you need to.

Don't I need to work with a trained psychotherapist to do shadow work?

If you have specific psychological needs or have had traumatic experiences you need help to work through, then yes, do find a therapist you trust to work with.

This course is an introduction to the basic personal shadow work that I believe we ALL need to do, to navigate our current, transitioning paradigm.

It’s been designed to lead you gently into your unconscious realms without re-activating any past trauma. So if you’re looking to know yourself more deeply, take more control of your life, and re-claim hidden aspects of your psyche that are holding you back, then the personal shadow work techniques you’ll learn in this course will help you do just that.

Can't I just do this work on my own?

Everyone can and (I believe) should* be doing their own shadow work!

*And believe me, I rarely use the word should about anything!

So yes, you could try and do this on your own. BUT if you’ve never attempted shadow work before –

  • Where are you going to start?
  • How will you know whether you’re actually doing the work, and not just going over old patterns?
  • Do you know where your emotional edges lie? And do you how NOT to fall over them?
  • How can you be sure you’re re-integrating healed shadow fragments and not the distorted pieces?

Sure, you can absolutely try and figure this method out alone (like SO much else in life, right…?) but you’ll save a whole lot of time and effort following the Honeyed Shadow method.

Not to mention how good it feels to be held safe in a framework 🥰 that you know works. Plus, in our private Facebook group you’ll have the extra support of a community of fellow shadow diver to support you whenever you need.

What does shadow work have to do with honeybees?!

This is a really good question, and it’s one of the very first things we talk about inside the course.

For now, let’s just say that on the shamanic path I walk, honeybee consciousness holds incredibly powerful medicine for the current time on planet Earth, especially when it comes to rising shadows.

Honeybees are mistresses of the dark. So they are the perfect guide for any journey into the shadowlands… We’ll discuss more of this (and sample the exact medicine they bring!) on the journey…

What happens if I fall behind and can't complete the journey in 13 days?

It’s okay!

Life happens.

Each day of the course content can be accessed in turn when you’re ready.

If you fall behind for a day (or two or four 😉 ) then just pick back up where you left off, whenever you can. The last thing anyone needs right now, is to feel anxious or like they’re somehow “failing”!

And you know what? Sometimes dropping a day here and there isn’t actually falling behind, it’s divine timing asserting itself.

So no stress.

Is there a refund policy?

We don’t offer refunds for this course.

The 13-day Honeyed Shadow Journey is specifically created for people who are willing to dive deep and apply themselves to this work.

I am confident that if you set the intention to meet your shadow with open-hearted willingness, follow every lesson in turn and complete every practice for the full 13 days, your life will change for the better.

That said, if you have a specific need then please do get in touch. I’m human too – let’s help each other out.

Got more questions?

Or want to chat to see if this journey is one you need to take? Drop me an email HERE, I always love to hear from you.

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