Do you know what the dark Moon phase is? It arrives the three days (or so) before the new Moon when the sky is dark and the air feels hushed. It’s invisible (hence also being known as the black Moon) but if you tune in, you can sense the stillness. This inky,...
The witch archetype is a common representation of a woman, usually old and living alone on the edge of the community, who practices dark magic. Witches are typically considered to be a dangerous, lurking threat. Yet the witch is a complex and fascinating archetype...
The dark moon is an often neglected (but OH SO important) phase of the lunar cycle. Sitting between the waning crescent Moon phase, and the new Moon, the Dark Moon phase isn’t quite either of these, despite often being bundled in together with them. Astrologers...
Dark feminine energy is a powerful, animating force that’s rising across the planet today. Often misunderstood, and confused with the feminine shadow, toxic femininity, and disempowered feminine traits, the dark feminine is actually the empowered, untamed, and...
The close of each lunar cycle brings a vacuum of energy. I’m not talking about the New Moon, which is the beginning of the next cycle, but the oft-forgotten Old Moon, also known as the Dark Moon. The Dark Moon is ripe for banishments and release Anything...