40 Menstrual Cycle Journal Prompts for Exploring Every Phase

beautiful image of a woman journaling

The menstrual cycle is a natural and essential part of a woman’s life, yet it’s often overlooked in discussions about self-care and personal growth.

Each phase of the menstrual cycle brings unique physical and emotional experiences, as well as HUGE benefits, if you know how to receive them.

Journaling can be a powerful tool for navigating these monthly changes, and harnessing the gifts of each phase.

In this article, we will explore journal prompts tailored to each phase of the menstrual cycle, providing a framework for self-reflection, intention-setting, and personal growth.

These prompts are designed to help you embrace the natural rhythms of the body and cultivate a deeper connection with yourself throughout the month.

Let’s go..!

What are the Phases of the Menstrual Cycle?

The menstrual cycle is a complex and dynamic process occurring in the female body, typically lasting about 28 days, although this can vary from person to person. The cycle is divided into four main phases:

Understanding these phases and the unique experiences and challenges they bring can provide valuable insight into your emotional and physical well-being. This means you can tailor your self-care practices and journaling prompts to better support ourselves throughout the month.

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Menstrual Phase Journal Prompts

The menstrual phase marks the beginning of the menstrual cycle, typically lasting around 3-7 days. Biologically, this phase is characterized by the shedding of the uterine lining, resulting in menstruation.

For many women, the menstrual phase is accompanied by physical symptoms such as cramps, fatigue, and mood changes.

During the menstrual phase, it’s SO important to prioritize self-care and nurturing practices that allow you to really go inwards and tap into your somatic, body wisdom. This phase’s energy is often likened to the crone archetype.

Journaling during this phase can provide a valuable outlet for processing emotions that rise, as well as setting intentions for the upcoming cycle.

Here are some journal prompts to use during your own menstrual phase:

  • What signals is your body sending you during this phase? How can you support your body’s needs for rest and nourishment?
  • What emotions are present for you during this phase? Can you track them somatically through your body for greater understanding?
  • What emotions or experiences do you feel ready to release and let go of as you enter this new cycle? How can you create space for renewal and fresh energy in your life?
  • Are there any emotional patterns that no longer serve you? How can you disentangle them from your life, and work on deep emotional clearing?
  • What beliefs or thoughts are holding you back from embracing your full potential?
  • What aspects of your life feel stagnant or in need of revitalization?
  • What do you hope to achieve or experience in the upcoming cycle? How can you create space for new inspiration and creativity to flow into your life?
  • In what areas of your life do you feel the need to let go of perfectionism and embrace self-compassion?
  • How can you create more space for authenticity and self-acceptance?
  • What activities or experiences inspire and uplift you? How can you invite new sources of inspiration and creativity into your life during this phase?

Most women need to rest during their bleeding time.

Choosing to journal is a powerful, self-honouring practice. Not only will you gain insight into your emotional state, but you’ll set a positive tone for the rest of the menstrual cycle.

Menstrual phase journal prompts
Menstrual Phase journal prompts for menstrual cycle awareness

Follicular Phase Journal Prompts

Following menstruation, the body enters the follicular phase, typically lasting from around day 7 to 14 of the menstrual cycle. This phase usually offers a surge in energy and creativity, often accompanied by a sense of renewal and possibility.

During the follicular phase, you’ll likely feel a heightened motivation to set goals, explore new ideas, and plan for the weeks ahead. It’s often associated with the maiden archetype.

Journaling during the follicular phase can be a valuable tool for harnessing and channelling this sense of renewal, so that you can chart a course for your personal growth.

Here are some journal prompts tailored to the follicular phase:

  • What vision or dreams do you hold for your future? How can you nurture and support your vision with actions and choices that align with your aspirations during this phase?
  • What goals or aspirations are calling to you as you enter this phase? What is the clear direction you need to set for the upcoming cycle?
  • What intentions or affirmations can you cultivate to guide your actions and mindset during this phase?
  • What activities or practices bring you a sense of rejuvenation and renewal? How can you infuse your life with revitalizing experiences and energy?
  • In what areas of your life do you feel called to step into greater courage and authenticity?
  • How can you embrace opportunities for growth and expansion during this phase?
  • What choices or decisions are you being called to make as you enter this new phase? How can you approach decision-making from a place of empowerment and self-trust?
  • What changes or shifts are you being called to make, and how can you embrace them with openness and a sense of possibility?
  • What practices or activities can help you maintain a sense of motivation and purpose throughout this phase?
  • What area of your life is calling for courage right now? How can you honour your true self whilst also pushing your edge during this phase?

Journaling during the follicular phase can help you tap into the potent sense of renewal and possibility available during this time! It can help you clarify your aspirations, and lay the groundwork for personal and professional growth in the weeks ahead.

Follicular phase journal prompts
Follicular Phase journal prompts for menstrual cycle awareness

Ovulatory Phase Journal Prompts

Ovulation typically occurs around day 14 of the menstrual cycle and marksy the release of an egg from the ovary, making it available for fertilization. This phase is often associated with heightened energy, sociability, and a desire for connection. Many individuals experience a sense of vitality and creativity during ovulation.

This phase is also associated with the mother archetype.

Even though you may not feel like sitting quietly and writing during the ovulatory phase, it can offer some incredible insights into areas of life that truly nourish you (and that you normally take for granted!)

Here are some journal prompts tailored to the ovulatory phase:

  • Where is your life overflowing with abundance right now? How can you celebrate and appreciate this?
  • What aspects of your life are you truly grateful for during this phase?
  • What rituals or practices can you engage in, to honor the richness and joy present in your life?
  • What projects or endeavours are coming to fruition in your life? How can you celebrate and acknowledge the completion of goals or milestones during this phase?
  • How can you nurture and strengthen your connections with friends, family, or colleagues during this phase? What meaningful interactions or conversations do you want to prioritize?
  • What social activities or gatherings bring you joy and fulfilment? How can you engage in sociable experiences that uplift and energize you during this phase?
  • In what ways can you nurture and support the important relationships in your life? How can you express care and appreciation for those you love during this phase?
  • What activities or hobbies ignite your passion and bring you genuine enjoyment? How can you prioritize them?
  • How can you infuse your life with creative expression and joy during this phase?
  • What emotions are present for you during this phase? Can you track them somatically through your body for greater understanding?

The ovulatory phase is a beautiful time for connecting with others, celebrating life and cultivating gratitude. Yet it’s all too easy to forget to prioritize these things. A little journaling can help you to remember and appreciate these parts of life, and also track where they maybe missing.

Ovulatory phase journal prompts
Ovulation Phase journal prompts for menstrual cycle awareness

Luteal Phase Journal Prompts

The luteal phase occurs after ovulation and typically lasts from around day 15 to 28 of the menstrual cycle. This phase is characterized by rising progesterone levels. It may bring about mood changes and a need for space, which gets misrepresented as “PMS”.

Some women experience physical symptoms such as bloating and breast tenderness.

Journaling during the luteal phase is virtually essential. It’s a great tool for processing emotions and getting clear on the realisations and truths that often rise during this phase. Its energy is often associated with the wild woman, or huntress archetype.

Here are some journal prompts tailored to the luteal phase:

  • What truths or insights have you been avoiding or overlooking?
  • What areas of your life could benefit from greater clarity and vision?
  • What aspects of your inner world are calling for your attention and reflection? How can you create space for self-reflection and inner exploration during this phase?
  • What wisdom or lessons have you gained from this cycle so far? How can you harvest and integrate these insights into your present life during this phase?
  • What illusions or false beliefs are you ready to release and let go of? How can you embrace the truth and let go of self-deception during this phase?
  • In what ways are you being called to grow and evolve during this phase?
  • What practices or rituals can help you cultivate a sense of inner peace and clarity during this phase?
  • What intuitive insights or nudges did you receive during the cycle so far, and did you act on them? Why? Why not?
  • What emotional burdens or attachments are you ready to release? How can you let go of emotional clutter and create space for emotional freedom and clarity?
  • In what ways can you align with your true self and embrace authenticity during this phase?
  • How can you let go of pretence and embrace your genuine nature?

By journaling during the luteal phase, you can be ahead of the game when it comes to your emotional state so that you can practice self-compassion and self-love.

This phase offers an opportunity to put other people’s needs on hold for a while, and honor your own need for emotional self-care.

Luteal Phase journal prompts
Luteal Phase journal prompts for menstrual cycle awareness

The menstrual cycle is a natural and essential aspect of life, encompassing a range of physical, emotional, and psychological changes. By embracing the practice of journaling tailored to each phase of the menstrual cycle, individuals can cultivate self-awareness, emotional resilience, and personal growth.

Through the art of journaling, you can learn to honour the unique experiences, challenges and gifts that accompany each phase of the menstrual cycle. And if your cycle doesn’t synch up with the lunar cycle like this (it’s known as the white moon cycle), you may have a red moon cycle, a purple moon cycle or a pink moon cycle. Look them up for more info.

Your inner landscape is a garden to be explored, not a land to overrule.

Learning to nurture a deeper connection with yourself throughout the month will serve you SO much, in so many different ways. Try it!

By engaging in self-reflection, processing emotions and getting clear on the truth of your soul, you will find you’re able to navigate the natural rhythms of your menstrual cycle with greater resilience and self-compassion.

Go well, sister.

Follicular Phase journaling prompts for menstrual ritual
Ovulation Phase journaling prompts for menstrual ritual
Luteal Phase journaling prompts for menstrual ritual
Menstrual Phase journaling prompts for menstrual ritual

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