Dark feminine woman and journal collage with affirmations for increasing dark divine feminine

100 Dark Feminine Energy Affirmations to Activate Your Inner Siren

Are you looking to awaken your dark feminine energy?

Many women today are seeking out an alternative to the “love and light feminine” ideals that a lot of coaches and teachers seem to be advocating. They – like you? – are beginning to see through the polarity teachings of masculine and feminine energy, which at their core, place women in a subservient role to men.

These teachings would lead you to believe that women are weaker, softer, more fragile and in need of protection and guidance form their masculine counterparts.

Yet dark femininity turns these notions upside down. It’s not a new concept, but one that’s been suppressed for a LONG time – that there is a flavour of feminine energy that is strong, passionate, sensual, regenerative and wild.

I believe THIS is what so many women are craving. YEt the dark feminine is still so misunderstood, meaning many women and men find it threatening, frightening and therefore push it away.

But if you’re ready to peel back the layers of resistance, and shake off the shackles of “nice girl” conditioning, read on…

Dark feminine woman embodying her siren energy with text: 100 dark feminine affirmations
Dark femme siren woman in her sensual energy with text overlay: 100 dark feminine affirmations

What is dark feminine energy?

Dark feminine energy is the potent, creative, life-giving and destructive spiritual essence of the feminine principle.

A stream of energy that is both infinite and imminent, it’s hard to describe in words, and best experienced through the body. It’s a feeling, a knowing, a connection with the pulse of life itself.

Contrary to what a lot of websites say online, dark feminine energy is not your shadow side. The dark feminine isn’t the wounded feminine, and it’s not bad, negative or evil.

But there’s more: Contrary to what a lot of people claim, the dark feminine isn’t “half” of the divine feminine either. The “light and dark side” of the feminine aren’t these polar opposites thas somehow combine to make a whole. In fact, this way of framing the feminine by teaching about “light and dark aspects” only serves to further fragment women, to reinforce the split already felt within many of our souls.

Dark feminine energy is –

  • Creation
  • Passion
  • Power
  • Chaos
  • Fury
  • Fearlessness
  • Strength
  • Devotion
  • Sex
  • Transformation
  • Regeneration
  • Magic
  • Destruction
  • Death
  • The void
  • The liminal
  • The unknown and the unknowable
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Dark feminine woman with black paint on her fingers

100 Dark Feminine Energy Affirmations

Affirmations can be a potent tool for awakening dark feminine energy. Used alongside the many other spiritual and practical methods there are, affirmations are an easy and gentle addition to your daily practice.

Don’t try to us all of these affirmations – read through the list and see what catches your eye. Then choose 3-6 and write them down on a piece of paper, then place them somewhere you’ll be able to see them every day. Read and repeat.

I am powerful

I deserve respect and receive it from everyone I meet

I am the leader of my own life, I take control with ease and the right path opens up before me

I embrace transformation in each moment

I use my voice with confidence and certainty, positively influencing others to make a difference in the world

I embrace the dark feminine qualities of passion and creativity to make a positive impact in the world around me

I pursue my goals and dreams unapologetically, with courage, determination and trust

I deserve every desire I have

I recognize my divine worth, it’s an infinite well that continues to fuel me from the inside

I am confident, decisive and unapologetic in every moment

List of dark femme energy affirmations for motivation and power
List of dark feminine energy affirmations on pink background

My confidence and self-assuredness make me unshakable

My dark feminine power gives me the strength to face any situation with grace

I am an ally for all other women walking that planet, we are infinitely strong together

I am empowered to shape my own destiny

I am comfortable in my own skin and follow my inner wisdom above all else.

My energy and truth are a divine offering to the world. My existence is a gift

My dreams and desires are aligned with the Goddess

My desires are valuable. Pursuing them will lead to greater fulfilment and a harmonious future

I listen to my body’s desires and meet my needs with trust and generosity

I celebrate both my vulnerabilities and resilience as parts of my humanity

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My body is wise

My body is a mistress of deep wisdom. I listen to her sensory language and respond to her words

My body and my menstrual cycle is a sacred mirror of the cyclic power of nature’s wonders

The Moon is my muse, in her darkness and light

I drop into my body with ease, trusting her sensations in each moment

I trust my senses to guide me towards experiences that nourish me

I explore life’s textures, tastes, sights and sounds with openness and curiosity

My senses are my truth. What I feel is a measure of my aliveness, both positive and challenging

I am fully alive and present in every changing moment

I embrace pleasure and simplicity

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I am unafraid to drop deeply into the present moment of sensation and sensuality

I attract experiences that stimulate my senses in all the best ways

My womb is the seat of my dark feminine energy, and I trust her wisdom

My life is rich and delicious. I notice the abundance surrounding me

I live in a state of gratitude, I receive life’s blessings wherever I go

I am unafraid to express my sensuality

The Goddess moves through me and meets each ecstatic moment with full surrender

What I feel in every changing moment is genuine, true and authentic

I am unshakable

My body is an instrument for the mighty, creative energy of nature

Dark femme woman with a gothic witch aesthetic and a crow
List of dark feminine energy affirmations on a glamourous gold and black background

It is safe for me to destroy that which no longer serves me, when necessary

My body is an instrument of transformation

My body and my blood are holy

I trust myself, I trust my body, I trust the divine feminine energy that moves through me

I trust the rebirth cycle happening within my body every month, I surrender to the beauty of the Moon cycle I am embodying

Mother Nature is my muse and I trust the earth beneath my feet to hold me. Whenever I feel unsteady she is my rock

I am fueled by the holy fire of the Goddess that moves through me from the ground up

I am unstoppable

I meet the darkness within me with reverence and respect, I am unafraid to be with the intensity of my shadow

I trust the dark feminine aspect within me to guide me through my unconscious landscape

Dark feminine quotes on light feminine pink silk sheets background
dark femininity aesthetic collage pin

I trust my dark feminine power to be my guide through daily life

It’s safe for me to embrace my dark feminine self

My dark feminine energy is the source of strength and certainty. I trust myself and listen to whispers of my womb

Any challenges I meet help me grow in resilience, determination and self-trust

There is a feminine ferocity within me, that I can call on whenever I need to

I have a limitless source of inner strength, making me an unstoppable force of nature

The dark feminine resides in my blood and my bones

I am deeply rooted in the Earth, held in every moment by the fierce females who came before me

The women around me are a source of strength and support, we care for and uplift each other

There is a wellspring of dark feminine power that I can call upon whenever I need to

Dark feminine affirmations list on purple
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Challenges only sharpen my determination and faith in my prowess to lead and succeed

The deep, rich, fertile darkness within keeps me anchored in my purpose, I am unshakable

Suffering deepens my compassion

It is safe for me to say “no”

My “no” is a sacred boundary

Stating my “no” creates freedom from the shackles of society

I am free

I trust myself to chart my own course through life and I don’t need to maintain any tradition, institution, attitude or belief I don’t want to

I reject any societal expectations that don’t align with my wildly seductive self

My choices are empowered expressions of my unique dark femininity

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The world needs my dark feminine side, and I will not suppress her any longer

I am free to embrace life’s uncertainties with courage and strength

I release others’ expectations of me, that no longer serve my well-being and growth

My true self is liberated when I follow my authentic truth, wherever it leads me

I seduce life, I am the seductress of my own destiny

I am a mistress of seduction and allure. The Goddess gives me whatever I desire

My sensuality and passion for life are irresistible

I magnetize everything and everyone I desire with effortless ease is safe for me to express my sexuality

I allow the wild woman within to be seen and heard

My sexual desires are unique and perfect, and feel like a divine current running through my veins

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I ooze sexual energy and confidence, and it belongs to nobody but me

I am calling in a sacred expression of dark masculine energy with ease, and a healthy relationship is waiting for me

I am worthy of a balanced and healthy relationship, with a man who recognizes and appreciates my dark feminine energy

The dark Goddess fuels my sexual power and passion for creativity and love

Pleasure is my birthright and it lights me up inside and out

I embrace the entire range of my emotions as valid parts of my human experience

My own darkness is the source of my power, my inner self guides me more authentically than any external force

I lean into the fullness of my emotions so that I can learn from and be guided by them

I embrace my light feminine energy and my dark feminine energy in equal measure

Strong emotions rise and fall and I let them flow through me without judgment.

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The strength and fullness of my emotions are a reflection of my inner strength.

By embracing all that I feel, I cultivate compassion for myself and others

It is an act of self-love to embrace my dark feminine energy

I am activating the dark feminine energy inside me more and more every day

My intuition gives my life a certainty that is unshakable

I am capable of transmuting all negative energy that doesn’t serve my highest good and the good of the planet

My past does not define me as I’m becoming ever new in each moment. My life is a constant evolution into the potential of each moment

My innate dark feminine energy enables me to embrace the sacred cycle of regeneration

I live at ease in the liminal spaces of uncertainty and unknowing, I allow the present to emerge through me in all possibilities.

I respond to each unfolding moment with clarity and courage, even in the face of fear

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How to use dark feminine energy affirmations

On the surface, dark feminine energy affirmations are simple phrases or sentences that you repeat aloud, to anchor the meaning, intention or sentiment into your unconscious mind.

It sounds too simple to be true, which is why affirmations tend to be overlooked by many people. But these dark feminine energy affirmations have the potential to radically transform the perspective you have of yourself and what you are capable of.

The right affirmations can help you to practice self-love, create boundaries and delve deeper into your personal healing journey, in a gentle and supportive way. Yet these affirmations can also help you access dark feminine energy, and catalyse the awakening of your authenticity.

This is because when used consistently, affirmations can help to re-programme the subconscious mind.

For many women, their dark feminine traits have been either forgotten about, rejected, or actively suppressed until they become part of the shadow self, left in the dusty corners of the unconscious.

Over time, these dark feminine energy afirmations will seep into the unconscious, eroding old beliefs and we-writing patterns, until the dark feminine is able to take her place in the light of consciousness again.

At this point, the shadow self will be reclaimed, light and dark will be integrated,

brunette woman embodying dark feminine archetype

What does dark feminine energy feel like?

So how do you know when it’s “working”?! How can you be sure that you’re tapping into the dark feminine, and not unleashing your shadow, or simply expressing more patriarchal expectations of femininity?

It’s simple, you know you’re tapping into dark feminine energy when you feel that deep, rich true connection to the divine. When you feel it in your body (and not as an out-of-body, “ascension” type connection).

Dark feminine energy feels like trust, depth, magic and the confidence that comes when you know you are held in the dark womb of the Goddess.

It’s something you need to discover and experience for yourself – words can’t quite describe it. But it’s HERE, in the moment. You only need to open up and let her in.

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