The waning moon is a powerful time for introspection, release, and letting go of what no longer serves you.
This is absolutely essential if you want to use magick to consciously create things in your life. Without recognizing our blocks and attachments, we can’t release what’s in the way, to make space for what we want.
As moonlight ebbs away, it symbolizes the dissolving of unhealthy energy, emotional ties, and old habits.
For the lunar witch, this phase offers a perfect opportunity to work spells of banishment, closure, and emotional cleansing.
Here are five powerful waning moon spells to help you release the weight of the past and create space for new beginnings.
1. Cord-cutting spell with athame
This spell is a simplified ritual to sever energetic ties with someone or something that no longer serves your highest good. It’s a great spell to perform during the waning moon phase, as the momentum od the moon’s dissipating energy will support your intention.
Spell ingredients:
- An athame (or a similar ceremonial tool)
- A white or black candle
- Cleansing herbs or essential oils for preparing your space
Spell steps:
Prepare your space: Light the candle and cleanse the area by burning your chosen herb or oil. Focus on clearing dense energy and welcoming light and protection.
Set your intention: Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Visualize the cord that connects you to the person, habit, or situation you wish to release. See it extending from your heart or somewhere in your energy field.
Cut the cord: Hold your athame and visualize it glowing with energy. Move it in a sweeping motion through the space where the cord connects you to the other. As you cut, say:
“With this blade, I sever the tie,
No longer to linger, wither, or lie.
From my heart, I set you free;
By the moon’s waning light, so mote it be.”
Seal and seal: Envision the place where the cord was connected being filled with soft, white light, healing and sealing your energy field.
Give thanks: Snuff out the candle and thank the moon, your allies, or any spiritual presence you called upon for assisting in the release.
Remember, your magickal act needs to be supported by real-world action. What physical step can you also take to cut this tie? Could you:
- Delete that person’s phone number?
- Unfriend or unfollow on social media?
- State a firm boundary with them?
- Change a plan?
Remember to cultivate a sense of freedom and joy, now you are unhindered by this attachment!
2. Smoke release spell
This simple spell will cleanse you of an unwanted attachment and banish any negativity associated with it.
Spell ingredients:
- A bundle of sage, cedar, or rosemary (ethically sourced – use local herbs where possible)
- Fireproof dish
- A photo, letter, or item associated with what you wish to release
Spell steps:
Light the smoke stick and let it burn briefly before extinguishing the flame, allowing the smoke to billow.
Hold the optional item in your hand and let the smoke envelop it, imagining, visualising and trusting the heavy energy lifting from your body and space.
Chant: “By the rising smoke, I cleanse my soul; by the waning moon, I release control.”
Drop the item into the fireproof dish, symbolically tossing it to the earth.
Dispose of it after the ritual by burying it or throwing it into a natural body of water (as long as it’s biodegradable).
3. Releasing water spell
Using water in magickal rituals and spells can be really effective when working at the emotional level. So if you want to let go of emotions that no longer serve your growth, try this potent little water ritual.
Spell ingredients:
- A bowl of water
- A heavy piece of black tourmaline or obsidian
- Pen and paper
Spell steps:
Write down the emotions, memories, or habits you want to release on the paper. Gently allow them to rise up in your body to be felt, as you write (trust your measure – don’t overwhelm yourself)
Read each item aloud, and with your willpower, intend the feeling leave your body, and enter into the piece of paper.
Submerge the paper into the water, and watch the water soak into it, dissolving both the ink, and your attachments.
Place the crystal in the bowl, to weigh down the paper and absorb lingering energy.
End by disposing of the water safely. Pour it into the sink, or down a drain outside, envisioning the energy leaving your life.
Offer your thanks to the element of water, and to the moon.
4. Mirror of truth spell
This is a powerful and impactful spell, to confront and release self-imposed limitations or negative self-perceptions. It’s usually most powerful when performed during the waning crescent, or even the dark Moon, and the very end of the lunar cycle.
Spell ingredients:
- A mirror
- A black candle
- A piece of black cloth
Spell steps:
Place the mirror in front of you and light the black candle.
Gaze into the mirror and name the behaviours, thoughts, or beliefs you wish to release.
Speak to your reflection: “You are not defined by this. I see you clearly, and I set you free.”
Cover the mirror with the black cloth, symbolizing the end of this cycle.
Let the candle burn out completely, and store the cloth for future ceremonial use or burn it.
Afterwards, place the mirror outside in the open air to cleanse it, or if that’s not possible, sprinkle with salt.
5. Waning moon jar spell
Jar spells are so much fun, and of course they look so pretty on altars, shelves, desks, or window sills. BUT they are powerful magickal tools to hold intention and purpose, so dont’ underestimate them.
This spell jar will serve to gather and release lingering negative or stagnenat energy in your life.
Spell ingredients:
- A small jar
- Black salt (or regular salt will do)
- Dried lavender or chamomile
- Wax to seal
- Piece of paper and pen
Spell steps:
Write down everything you want to release on the paper.
Place the paper in the jar, layering it with salt and herbs for cleansing and soothing.
Seal the jar, saying: “Sever these ties, their weight I release,
Transformed to light, I reclaim my peace.”
On the next dark moon, bury the jar away from your home, symbolizing the final release.
These spells are simple yet transformative ways to align with the waning moon’s energy and clear space for renewal.
Don’t forget to pin them for later (and leave me a comment over there on Pinterest – which spell will you try?)
By practising intentional release, you will empower yourself to embrace fresh opportunities and and make space for what you truly want. Happy releasing, lunar witch!