Witch using scrying with a black mirror and candles

How to Practice Black Mirror Scrying + Tips for Beginner Witches

Scrying with a black mirror is like stepping back into a secret world of oracular widsom and whispers, where the dark void of the Goddess comes alive.

This ancient art, rich in hidden history and mystique, opens the doors beyond the veil. Black mirror scrying like an initiation into an entirely new way of perceiving life, and once you’ve tried it, there’s no going back.

Sure, scrying takes a bit of patience and practice, but what worth having doesn’t?

As you learn to work with your black mirror, you’ll begin to uncover the guidance, messages and insights you’re searching for. But this ancient craft offers more than that. You’ll also be tapping into an ancient vein of witches who used the same powerful tool. Echoing through time, their wisdom, skill and care will somehow, magickally, miraculously come to envelop and direct your craft too, and it’s a beautiful tradition to become a part of.

Let’s begin…

Witchy hand reaching through a black mirror scrying divination techniques

What is scrying?

First off, let’s cover the basics.

Scrying is a truly ancient practice used for divination, spiritual connection, and gaining insights through reflective surfaces, like a black mirror.

Scrying has roots in ancient civilizations, including Egypt, Greece, and Rome, but its origins likely stretch much, much further back than our historical records go.

Historically, practitioners have used various tools like water, crystals, and polished stones to enhance their visions. Figures such as Nostradamus and Dr John Dee even incorporated scrying into their rituals, believing it allowed them to communicate with higher powers.

While the methods have evolved, the core idea remains: using reflections to tap into deeper knowledge and intuition, bridging the gap between the physical world and the mysteries beyond.

Scrying with a black mirror

A black mirror serves as a potent tool for scrying, offering a dark, reflective surface to hold and project images or visions. Often made from materials like black obsidian, or alternatively, from painted glass, these mirrors are highly spiritual and sacred objects.

As with any divination tool, black mirrors must be treated with care and reverence. Most witches are animists, believing their tools are alive with consciousness. So your relationship with them must be nurtured and kept strong.

How to choose your black mirror

Choosing the right black mirror for scrying is an important first step. You can either purchase a ready-made mirror or create one yourself using a glass pane and matte black paint. When selecting, consider the size: it should be large enough to focus on comfortably but small enough for easy handling, unless you have a permanent, fixed location for a large one.

Materials matter too. Black glass or obsidian are popular choices due to their excellent reflective properties, with obsidian also offering grounding and protective energies.

Before making your selection or crafting your mirror, many witches will first connect with its spirit. In meditation or through journeying, set your intention and invite the consciousness of the mirror to come through. Ask it how your mirror needs to be. Ask about the size, shape, materials and even where to go and find it, or source the materials. You maybe surprised at what comes through!

This spiritual connection will enhance your scrying experience, allowing you to tap into the deeper wisdom of this specific tool.

If you’re looking to buy a scrying mirror, here are a few good options:

Witches hand reaching into prophetic image in a black mirror
Divination image in a witch's black mirror

Cleansing and consecrating your mirror

Before you begin scrying, clearing your mirror of any previous energies is important. Clean both sides thoroughly with a soft cloth to remove any smudges. Use specific cleansing materials like moon water, sage, mugwort, or incense smoke to purify it.

To consecrate the mirror, hold it in both hands and set your intention. You may wish to say a prayer or a specific intention out loud to the effect of using it as a tool for scrying. This ritual not only dedicates the mirror for your purpose but also aligns it with your energetic signature.

Repeating this process before each session enhances its efficacy.

If in doubt, remember you can ask the spirit of your mirror what it needs. Trust the response you receive (through meditation, dreaming or journeying) even if it doesn’t always make sense.

How to scry with a black mirror (scrying techniques)

When you begin scrying with a black mirror, it’s best to follow specific steps. As you get more accustomed to your mirror, these steps may change. But it’s important to maintain a ritual, ceremonial approach to honour the divinatory art, and ensure your visions are clear and true.

Here are the basic steps to scrying with your black mirror:

  1. Set the space
  2. Position the mirror
  3. Ground and centre
  4. Open the space and set an intention
  5. Begin to scry
  6. Close
  7. Journal and record the details
  8. Integrate

1. Set the space

Black mirror scrying requires a quiet, dimly lit room. Lower the lights, or turn them off completely and use candles to provide soft illumination.

Some witches recommend placing your black mirror between two white candles.

Others place a single candle between you and the mirror.

You may like to burn incense or essential oils to help focus the mind and create a calm, ceremonial atmosphere. Instrumental music or rhythmic sounds like drumming can aid in reaching a meditative, trance-like state.

Ensure your space is comfortable and free from distractions, allowing you to maintain your focus on the mirror.

2. Position the mirror

Once your space is prepared, take the time to position your black mirror properly. Place it at a comfortable height and angle, ensuring you can gaze into it without straining your neck or eyes.

Depending on thee size, you may want to place it on a small table or on your altar.

Ensure that the surface is clean and free from any distractions, as clarity is vital for receiving the visions and messages that may arise.

3. Ground and center

Before starting the scrying process, it’s important to ground and center yourself, to create a stable foundation for your intuitive work.

You can do this by taking a few deep breaths, visualizing roots extending from your body into the ground, or even performing a short meditation.

Allow any tension to melt away, focusing on the present moment.

Grounding not only enhances your clarity but also protects you from becoming overwhelmed by the energies you may encounter during your session.

4. Open the space and set an intention

With your mirror positioned and your energy balanced, it’s time to open the space and set your intention. Speak your intention aloud or write it down, clearly stating what you seek to understand or explore during your scrying session.

This could be a specific question, a general area of your life, or a desire for insight.

Opening the space can involve lighting a candle or ringing a bell to signal the beginning of your practice. Or you may wish to draw a protective circle, and invite in any spirit allies or guides to support you.

This ritualistic element sets the space and tone, creating a sacred and safe atmosphere for your scrying experience.

5. Begin to scry

Now that you’ve prepared everything, it’s time to begin scrying.

Gaze softly into the black mirror, allowing your mind to relax and your thoughts to drift. Don’t force any images or visions; instead, let them come naturally as you focus on the surface. You might see shapes, colours, or symbols emerging, or perhaps experience intuitive feelings or insights.

Trust the process and remain open to whatever arises, knowing that each session is unique and can reveal different layers of understanding.

6. Close

After your scrying session, it’s essential to properly close the space. Thank your mirror and any spirits you may have connected with for their guidance and assistance.

You can extinguish candles, ring a bell, or simply state that the session is complete.

A short but definite closing ritual act signify the end of your work, allowing you to transition back to your everyday state of consciousness. It also protects your energy and ensures that you’re not left feeling drained or disoriented after your experience.

7. Journal and record the details

Recording what you experienced during your session is essential, and it’s a good idea to use a journal dedicated to your scrying practices.

Start by writing down any images, symbols, or feelings that arose during the session Be as detailed as possible. Remember to note the date and time of your session, along with any environmental factors that might be relevant, including the Moon phase.

If you are scrying regularly, look back on past entries to identify patterns or recurring themes, and also help you to reference a specific session in the future, if insights and connections come later on.

Reflect on the images, symbols, or messages that appeared, and consider how they relate to your life or the questions you posed. Don’t be too quick to reach for Google to find specific meanings, though. Your own instincts will be much more accurate than any website, which is likely to contain generic information.

Using audio recordings can also be effective if you prefer speaking your thoughts instead of writing them.

8. Integrate

Finally, take time to integrate the insights you’ve gained during your scrying session.

Over the next few days, open up to any extra meaning dropping into your awareness. And if you were given specific information to act on, trust it. Make the necessary changes.

This will help you weave the wisdom from your scrying practice into your daily life, enhancing your intuitive abilities and personal growth over time.

Exact steps for scrying with a black mirror with image of a white candle being reflected into a mirror
Witches page from a book of shadows showing steps to scry using a black mirror

Interpreting visions

Interpreting what you perceive in your mirror is subjective and personal. Always keep a journal nearby to record and reflect on your impressions immediately after each session because you will forget what you see, even if it feels super strong in the moment!

Symbolism often plays a large role in the images that appear.

As mentioned, always let your intuitive hunched lead, when it comes to symbolism, metaphor and hidden meanings.

Yet many symbols are archetypal, so researching the symbols that arise in your scrying practice can provide additional insight into their meanings. Pay attention to recurring themes, as they might hold special significance.

Recognize too, that interpretations can evolve with experience and practice. Trust the intuitive understanding you develop and remain open to the messages conveyed during your sessions.

Black mirror scrying tips for beginner witches

Start with a clear intention: Before you begin, it’s SO important set a clear intention for your scrying session. Unclear intention = unclear results.

 Get comfortable! YES, it’s a ritual. But there’s no need to be sitting up straight and serious (unless you need that). Let yourself relax a little, and find your comfort.

Be patient with yourself: scrying is a skill that takes time to develop. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. Stay open to whatever images or feelings arise, even if it seems very subtle and unimportant.

 Trust yourself: While it’s helpful to research symbols and meanings, don’t get hung up on needing to know. Trust your own intuition when interpreting what you see. Your personal associations with images can provide valuable insights that resonate more deeply than general interpretations.

Limit distractions: Turn off electronic devices and minimize noise during your scrying sessions.

Choose the right time: Timing can influence your scrying experience. Many practitioners find that early morning or late evening, when the world is quieter, can be ideal for scrying. Experiment with what works for you.

Limit your sessions: As a beginner, it’s wise to keep your scrying sessions relatively short—around 15 to 30 minutes. This helps prevent fatigue and keeps your mind fresh, allowing you to maintain focus and clarity.

 Experiment with different lighting: While dim lighting is typically recommended, you might want to experiment with various lighting conditions. Some people find that candlelight enhances their experience, while others prefer complete darkness. Find what works best for you.

 Use affirmations: Positive affirmations can help set the tone for your scrying session. Phrases like “I am open to receiving insights” or “I trust my intuition” can help reinforce your intention and create a receptive mindset.

Seek guidance from experienced practitioners: If possible, connect with others who practice scrying. Joining a community or attending workshops can provide valuable insights and tips from those who have more experience.

Practice visualization exercises: Strengthening your visualization skills can significantly improve your psychic seeing. Spend a few minutes each day visualizing objects, colors, or scenes in your mind’s eye. The clearer your mental imagery, the easier it will be to interpret the visions that arise during scrying.

Maintain a consistent practice: Regular practice is key to developing your psychic seeing abilities. Set aside dedicated time for scrying each week to build familiarity and comfort with the process. Over time, your skills will naturally improve as you become more attuned to the energies and messages that emerge.

Trust the process: Scrying is about exploration and connection. Trust the process, and allow yourself to enjoy the journey, regardless of the outcomes you may expect. Each session is an opportunity to learn more about yourself and your intuition.

Collage pin showing images of witch scrying divination
a white candle reflected in a black mirror in scrying ceremony
How to scry with a black mirror list of tips on a witches grimoire page
List of divination tips when using a black mirror for witchcraft

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