Each New Moon holds a particular frequency, a flavour that’s slightly different from each other lunation.
Knowing what this flavour is, and crucially how to use it means that our efforts and intentions at the New Moon are more aligned, more in flow and more supported by the cosmic winds that carry them.
This virtual New Moon Devotional Tool Kit offers YOU the insight, guidance and practical methods to harness the particular energy of the New Moon in Gemini: to use them to accelerate the specific areas of your own learning, growth and evolution that are being naturally activated at this time.
This Devotion has been carefully created by Kat.
Through the methods and practices offered within, I’ll help you to navigate this New Moon in Gemini, so that you can better understand the elemental nature of this Moon, and extract the medicine she has to offer.
This virtual DevotionalTool Kit contains:
- An specific energetic reading for the New Moon energies
- A guided elemental visualisation (audio)
- Writing prompts (PDF file)
- Affirmation and intention framework (PDF file)
- Access to a private Facebook group (this is different from the Moon School’s daily readings page) where you can gain extra inspiration, support and contact from Kat and others who are taking this journey with you.