Balsamic Moon in dark spiritual sky

What’s the Spiritual Meaning of the Balsamic Moon Phase?

The balsamic moon, also known as the waning crescent, is a powerful time for spiritual growth and self-reflection. Occurring around 2-5 days after the last quarter moon, this beautiful phase signifies the (almost) end of one lunar cycle, before the beginning of another.

As a thin, silver crescent in the sky, this old moon has always seemed to captivate those who seek deeper spiritual meaning, intuitive insight, and personal healing.

Why? Because during this phase of the waning Moon, instinct and intuition are high. As lunar darkness approaches, so does the the darkness of our own inner worlds, making it an ideal time to explore these inner landscapes.

It’s no surprise, the, that many people feel drawn to meditation, journaling, and other introspective practices while under the influence of the balsamic moon.

As you delve into the mysteries of the balsamic phase, keep in mind that this is also a time for relaxation. As the Moon rises during the daytime, the dark, still nights offer an invitation to slow down, take a step back, and reflect on the lessons of the previous cycle.

By honoring your emotions, opening up to new visions, and cultivating quiet contemplation, you’ll be able to harness the healing power of this beautiful and enigmatic celestial body.

What is the Balsamic Moon phase?

The balsamic Moon is a really significant phase of the lunar cycle, yet its often overlooked in favour of more dynamic phases of the Moon’s cycle. Occurring between the last quarter Moon and dark Moon phase, the balsamic, or waning crescent is a delicate, darkening time or release and dissemination.

When does the balsamic Moon rise?

This Moon rises just after sunrise. Astrologically, the Moon is 45º behind the Sun at this point – so the balsamic phase begins when the waning Sun and Moon are semi-square. She appears as a sliver of light in the daytime skies.

Is the balsamic Moon the same as the Dark Moon?

NO, the the balsamic Moon and the dark Moon are not the same thing, even though a lot of people conflate the two.

The balsamic phase is visible to the naked eye – you can look up and see her. Yet the dark Moon is invisible, and her energy holds a very different quality. It’s really worth reading up about the this phase – check out this post about the meaning and mysterious nature of the dark Moon.

What are the 8 phases of the Moon?

There are 8 (well actually 9!) phases that make up the lunar cycle. Here's a breakdown -

New Moon

The new Moon phase arrives when old Grandmother Moon has just become visible. She is a sliver of light, emerging into the daytime sky.

Read more: What's the Spiritual Meaning of the New Moon phase?

Waxing Crescent Moon

The waxing crescent Moon has a more obvious crescent shape, rising during the daytime and setting in the western evening sky.

Read more: Spiritual Meaning of the Waxing Crescent Moon

First-quarter Moon

The first quarter Moon forms an astrological square with the Sun, this phase is revealed as a clear “half Moon” shape. Light will expand, overtaking the dark quarter.

Read more: Spiritual Meaning of the First Quarter Moon

Waxing gibbous Moon

The waxing gibbous Moon is closer to the full Moon phase than to the new. This appears as a blossoming disc of light, illuminated from the right in the northern hemisphere, and the left in the south.

Read more: Spiritual Meaning of the Waxing Gibbous Moon

Full moon

At the Full Moon phase, la Luna rises with the Sunset, and sets when the Sun rises. She’s fully illuminated and present in the sky all night long.

Read More: What's the Spiritual Meaning of the Full Moon?

Waning gibbous Moon

Past the cycle’s climax, the waning gibbous Moon phase is almost a mirror image of the waxing gibbous – a swollen round disc ebbing away from one edge.

Read more: Spiritual Meaning of the Waning Gibbous Moon

Last-quarter Moon

The last quarter Moon (also known as the third quarter) forms another astrological square with the Sun and appears as a clear “half Moon” shape. This time, though, dark will overtake the light.

Read more: Spiritual Meaning of the Last Quarter Moon

Waning crescent Moon (or balsamic Moon)

The waning crescent Moon is closer to the next new Moon, than to this cycle’s full Moon phase. It appears as an ebbing, almost disappearing arc in the daytime sky.

Read more: Spiritual Meaning of the Waning Crescent Moon

Dark Moon

The dark Moon appears between one and three days before the new Moon, and is invisible. During the dark Moon, la Luna rises with the Sun, but is bleached out by sunlight, and absent completely from the night sky.

Read more: What's the Meaning of the Dark Moon Phase?

What’s the Spiritual Significance of the Balsamic Moon?

She may not be as impressive or eye catching as the Full Moon, or have the fresh burst of excitement of the new Moon phase. But the balsamic Moon radiates a serene, silver delicacy that holds its own magic.

The spiritual meaning of the balsamic Moon pertains to how close she sits to the next cycle, whilst still resting firmly in the darkest time of this one.

A bridge between worlds, she teaches us how to exist in the liminal. Not rushing ahead into the future, she shows us how to be present with what is, to pause and reflect, and how to let things go with grace.

Release and letting go

During this phase phase, old Grandmother Moon models the work of release. She allows herself to be stripped bare, as the light she reflects diminished day by day. Transformational energy she exhibits facilitates the release of difficult emotions in us, too. She encourages you to let go of what no longer serves, using the innate wisdom of your inner self to know what this is.

This makes it the perfect time to engage in cleansing rituals, shadow work, and meditation to help release any lingering negativity or blockages on a spiritual level. (Hopefully, you will have already worked on clearing some of the more obvious, surface-level clutter already under the waning Moon).

Inner reflection and introspection

As the la Luna wanes, her own energy naturally retreats, encouraging us to become more introspective, and turn inward for self-reflection

An important gift offered by this waning crescent phase is the heightened levels of intuition you can access here. Inviting a deeper connection with the subconscious mind, you’ll likely find that the doors of your perception can be opened much wider than at any other phase.

Creativity, intelligence, and personal revelation may unfold in new and profound ways, so tap in closely to your inner voice. Let your instincts lead.

To fully utilise the spiritual power of the balsamic Moon, create time and space for quiet moments. Consider journaling, shamanic journeying, pulling oracle cards, or any other practices that support inner reflection.


Ofter overlooked, the waning crescent provides an opportunity for us to simply rest.

It is essential to embrace downtime and allow ourselves to take it easy, slow down and sleep a little more during this period. Our bodies and minds need to recharge! Yet we rarely offer ourselves this grace.

By giving yourself permission to rest, you will allow you physical, emotional, and spiritual healing processes to take place. It’s SO important to do this before the new Moon, and her waxing energy arrives.

The balsamic Moon not only encourages this, but she gives permission too.

Death and renewal

The Balsamic Moon is also our monthly reminder that endings give way to new beginnings. Amidst the process of reflection and release, healing energy is abundant albeit in surprising and unexpected forms.

Balsamic days and nights teach us that death is inevitable and not something to fear.

In fact, they provide us with the opportunity to let go, whilst renewing and restoring any aspect of our lives that may need attention. So tie up your loose ends, and tend to any unfinished business. Reflect on the sanctity and fleeting nature of life, and work to restore balance to both body and spirit.

The spiritual significance of the Balsamic Moon lies in this powerful transformational energy. By taking the time to rest, reflect, and let go of what no longer serves you, you can prepare yourself for the coming new moon cycle and the fresh beginning it brings.


Rituals and Practices for the Balsamic Moon

OK, so we’ve talked about the spiritual meaning, power and influence of the balsamic Moon. But what can you do to harness and embody this energy?

First off, the best thing to do is relax. Take your foot off the gas and resist the urge to see this as another thing to tick off your to-do list!

Read through the suggestions below, but try to hold them in your awareness as possibilities, not tasks to perform. See what calls to you, what resonates and feels like a deep “yes”. Start there.

Take a cleansing bath or shower

A beautiful, slow ritual bath or shower can be an indulgent, but relaxing ritual for the balsamic Moon.

Adding epsom salts and herbs will help you wash away any lingering negativity from your energetic field, creating space for new and positive experiences. Ritualise the experience by setting an intention, and reflecting deeply during the process, allowing yourself to release of anything that no longer serves you.

Balance your energy

The balsamic Moon is an excellent time to balance your energy. You can do this by working with activating herbs and roots. Some popular choices include:

  • Lavender: for relaxation and stress relief
  • Rosemary: for mental clarity and focus
  • Sage: for purifying the energy around you

Spend time with these herbs. Burn them in their dried form, or incorporate into a tea to unlock their full potential. You could also use crystals, such as black obsidian or clear quartz, to also help channel the energy of the darkening phase, before the Moon moves into newness.


Ponder your current reality. Where are you on the path of your life?

If you set new Moon intentions, think about whether they manifested, or at what stage of fruition they’re at. This isn’t a time for critical thoughts or self-judgement, but a moment to take stock and be with yourself, wherever you’ve arrived at.


Many of us waste the power of daydreaming, letting the thoughts of our run circles around us. But the balsamic phase reminds us that the heart and soul can dream too. Let your feelings participate too, and spend this time entering the imaginal realm to dream up a new story.

Practice forgiveness

Forgiveness is one of the most liberating spiritual and emotional tools that exists. This is because holding on to grudges, resentment, anger and negative emotions holds you back. It’s as simple as that – unless you can let this stuff go, it will continue to take up space in your energetic field, blocking out all the greatness you want to manifest!

If bad stuff has been done to you, forgiveness doesn’t make it okay. It isn’t bypassing the wrongs of the past (and present). But it will help you to release its grip over your life and find peace.

The natural disseminating momentum of the balsamic phase will make the work of forgiveness not only easier, but more effective too. And it’s also the perfect time to do it – right before the new Moon brings her delicious opportunities for growth.

What does it mean to be born under a balsamic Moon?

In astrology, your birth chart describes the positions of all the celestial bodies at the time of your birth. You likely know your zodiac sign? This describes where the Sun was at the time of your birth. But where all the other planets are in relation to each other provides huge insights into your personality traits, tendencies, and future prospects.

Because the balsamic Moon is formed by the the relationship between the birth Moon and the Sun, it’s a significant part of the birth chart.

People born during the Balsamic Moon are often considered to be old souls, possessing deep wisdom and introspective qualities.

You can access your own birth chart HERE. Take note of your Moon sign, too, as this holds huge significance.

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