Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished you could see your most confident self staring back at you?
Moments of self-doubt can creep into our lives when we least expect them, leaving us feeling disconnected from our true power.
The “Mirror, Mirror” spell is an incredible ritual that compounds over time by enchanting your mirror. It works by infusing your reflection with radiant confidence, allowing you to see, feel and become the most self-assurance version of you. And when you start to exude confidence, others will feel it too.
With just a few tools and a touch of intention, you can create a magical boost for those times when you need it most. Let’s begin…
The power of reflection
Mirrors have long been symbols of self-awareness, transformation, and magickal workings.
In many cultures and traditions, mirrors are seen as portals, capable of reflecting not just physical appearance but also energy and spirit. When used intentionally in glamour magick, mirrors become powerful tools to shape how you see yourself – and how the world sees you.
Confidence is a cornerstone of glamour magick. It’s the energy that radiates outward, drawing people to you and making your presence unforgettable, so it’s important that this thread runs through all of your beauty magick.
“Mirror Mirror” glamour spell
The “Mirror, Mirror” spell works by infusing your reflection with positive energy, creating a feedback loop of self-belief that amplifies your natural charisma.
Spell ingredients:
- A handheld or standing mirror (preferably one used only for magical purposes)
- A white or gold candle for illumination
- Essential oil (such as frankincense) for confidence and clarity. I LOVE this brand
- A soft cloth to clean the mirror.
- Words of affirmation or a mantra that resonates with you
Glamour spell steps:
Prepare the mirror: Begin by finding a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Set the mirror in front of you and cleanse it both physically and energetically. Use the soft cloth and a few drops of the essential oil to wipe the surface of the mirror, visualizing any stagnant or negative energy being cleared away.
Light the cande: Light the candle and place it near the mirror so that its glow reflects softly on the surface.
Enchant: Sit comfortably and gaze into the mirror. Take a few deep breaths to centre yourself. As you exhale, imagine releasing self-doubt and negativity. Envision the mirror glowing with a radiant light, symbolizing the energy of confidence and self-belief.
Speak your chosen affirmation or mantra while looking directly into your reflection. Repeat it three times with intention and conviction. For example:
“I am radiant, confident, and magnetic. My energy shines brightly, and I attract positivity and success.”
As you speak, visualize the words embedding themselves into the mirror, charging it with your intention.
Seal the spell: Once you feel the mirror is fully charged with your energy (trust your intuition here) express gratitude for its assistance. Snuff out the candle gently. Store the mirror in a safe, clean space where it won’t be disturbed. you may like to wrap it in a soft cloth, or piece of fabric so it stays charged with the spell’s energy.
Glamour magick tips + troubleshooting
- Incorporate the enchanted mirror into your morning routine: Before starting the day, take a moment to gaze into it, repeating your affirmation to reinforce the spell and boost your confidence.
- For moments when you need an extra dose of self-assurance – a big meeting, a date, or a social event – use the mirror to remind yourself of your inner power.
- Cleanse and recharge your mirror: Periodically cleanse the mirror and repeat the spell to maintain its energy. You could do this every full Moon, once a week, or if you’ve been through challenging or draining experiences.
I LOVE the Mirror, Mirror spell! It’s slow burning magick – something that will build and grow the more often you use it. And by sneaking it into your daily routine, the dose of glamour magick it brings becomes automatic.
It’s also a powerful reminder that confidence begins within. By enchanting your reflection, you can tap into the wellspring of self-assurance and natural radiance that is already there!