The energy of the full Moon is exactly what you need for a manifestation ritual… and who doesn’t want to manifest more of what they want? But you can tap into the energy of the full Moon for SO much more than this. I’ve been working with the Moon for...
Do you know what the dark Moon phase is? It arrives the three days (or so) before the new Moon when the sky is dark and the air feels hushed. It’s invisible (hence also being known as the black Moon) but if you tune in, you can sense the stillness. This inky,...
Have you ever tried a full Moon ritual? Honestly… If you’re interested in intentional, conscious living then a ritual or ceremony performed under the gaze of a Full Moon is one of the most potent things you can do to supercharge your life! Let’s talk...
Looking for a way to relax and recharge after a long day? Ritual baths might be just what you need. A ritual bath is a really gorgeous form of self-care that can help you integrate mind, body, and spirit. By incorporating certain essential oils, herbs, healing...
On June 21st, 2024 the sun rises on the longest day of the whole year. The summer solstice has finally arrived! And even though it probably feels like the weather hs only just begun to warm up, this is the highest point of the wheel of the year. It’s a day when...
As a witchy woman (or wannabe witch?) you probably already know that the Moon plays a significant role in your craft. Each phase of the Moon has its own unique energy that can enhance your rituals and spells, making them much more effective. By understanding the...
This week the May full Moon will rise into a warm and balmy late spring sky. I always LOVE the flower Moon (as many native American tribes originally named it). It’s a potent symbol of the abundance of nature and the generosity of the natural world. To me,...
Beltane is the Celtic fire festival that sits between Ostara and the Summer Solstice. It’s usually celebrated on May 1st, sometimes April 30th depending on the year. Like most of the Celtic festivals, Beltane (also Bealtane and Beltaine) has been adapted,...