A List of People, Books and Websites that Inspire Me

Black and white photo of a hand reaching over inspiring books

These past few years, I‘ve become more and more discerning about who I learn from…

With SO much information and ‘content’ available in the world now, the “what” feels less important. The “how” is what I’m interested in – how the energy of a teacher or author feels, and how what they’re transmitting settles into my own body.

For me, growing as a person isn’t about filling myself up with information.

Information you can find almost anywhere… and TBH, most of it’s recycled anyway. For me, learning is more about how an experience lands. And it’s about whether THAT brings me closer to a version of myself that feels true.

10 years ago, when the first of many veils first began to lift in my life, and my journey of “awakening” began (I don’t especially like that term!! But using it here, at least you know what I mean…) there really weren’t that many resources available.

You had to go looking for them in actual bookshops or on very rudimentary websites. It wasn’t like now, where an entire world of “spiritual” marketing lives on the device in my pocket. Where the algorithms are positively screaming at us all about the next new spiritual coach or teacher. Google was barely a first choice for research, and SO far from the censoring machine it’s become.

Finding information used to be much quieter an endeavor. And in the quiet, it was easy to hear the voice of my intuition, and not get swayed by a shiny promise….  discernment seems to be becoming the work of our times.

So I find that most of the people, books, and websites that inspired me then – right at the start of my consciousness journey – are still the ones I turn to today. A bit like the comfort of a bowl of noodles soaked in soy sauce, when I need to feel grounded and secure, I pretty much always open up “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”! (Ok I know this isn’t your average comfort read, but it’s mine!)

A lot of people ask me about who inspires me, and who and what books I can recommend.. so here goes. If you’ve asked me the question then this is for you!

**A note on recommendations

What resonates with me may not resonate with you! It’s so simple, isn’t it? But really – if something doesn’t’ feel right then just don’t give it your energy or attention.

We strengthen things we focus on.

We literally give them life-force energy. So choose wisely and feel into whether they are rooted in a truth you would like to grow. If not, steer clear. This is what being sovereign means.

Also, these days I genuinely watch and read less than I ever have. Yep, I still have piles and piles of books but prefer to dip in and out as a way to support the journey of discovery that is life herself.


  • Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak
  • The Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram
  • The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (Volumes 1 & 2) by Drunvalo Melchizedek
  • The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets and the Women’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects by Barbara G Walker
  • Mysteries of the Dark Moon by Demeter George
  • The Lunation Cycle by Dane Rudhyar
  • Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes Ph. D.
  • Meeting the Shadow (edited) by Zweig and Abrahams
  • Mutant Message Down Under by Marlo Morgan
  • Shape Shifting by John Perkins
  • Witches and Pagans by Max Dashu
  • Song of Increase by Jacqueline Freeman

**I haven’t linked any of these books to big online sellers – if you’re drawn to any then please buy local, buy second-hand, or order and borrow through your library!



Now I’ve shared these with you, I’d LOVE for you to pay it forward – what’s your go-to book, website, or teacher?

Who do you trust? Not only because of the information they share but because of integrity with which they transmit what they do? Please let me know in the comments! ⬇️

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