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Let go of linear time and return to ritual, rhythm and a sacred feminine way of being.

Are you ready to come home to Grandmother Moon…?

Or choose your interest…

Popular posts to awaken your Spirit…

13 Genuine Signs of HIGH Feminine Energy

13 Genuine Signs of HIGH Feminine Energy

High feminine energy is often associated with traits of softness, nurturing, compassion, and intuition. But feminine power isn't always soft and receptive - it is SO much more than this. Feminine energy is a powerful force that moves through all aspects of our world,...

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woman doing golden shadow work

What is the Golden Shadow?

What is Feminine Energy?

What is Feminine Energy?

Feminine energy is often associated with traits such as softness, compassion, and intuition. But feminine energies encompass SO much more than just these kinds of receptive, nurturing, and cooperative qualities! Feminine energy is a powerful force that moves through...

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Harness the energy of la Luna, whatever her phase…

Leo Full Moon 25 January 2024: Here’s What You Need to Know

Leo Full Moon 25 January 2024: Here’s What You Need to Know

Are you ready to roar?! This January, we will see the full Moon rise in the sign of the lion, activating courage, bravery, and leadership… but you don’t have to be a typical “leader” for this Full Moon to awaken the qualities that'll make you shine… When does the 2024...

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Dive into the world of shamanism…

A List of People, Books and Websites that Inspire Me

A List of People, Books and Websites that Inspire Me

These past few years, I‘ve become more and more discerning about who I learn from... With SO much information and 'content' available in the world now, the “what” feels less important. The “how” is what I’m interested in – how the energy of a teacher or author feels,...

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Join the hundreds of people who have already downloaded the Moon School Guide to Sacred Cycles e-book –

Unlock your shadow…

100 Best Shadow Work Prompts with FREE PDF Downloads!

100 Best Shadow Work Prompts with FREE PDF Downloads!

Do you ever feel stuck? Or find yourself repeating the same negative patterns over and over again? If so, you might benefit from shadow work journaling. Shadow work is a process of exploring the darker parts of yourself to gain a deeper understanding of who you are...

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Learn the art of practical shadow work for personal transformation

Guided by the Moon and the honeybee…

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